Cumin Seed, Ground

Believe it or not, all cumin is not the same. Our Michelin star chef customers across the country agree. While they can get cumin a little cheaper from other sources, they choose to pay a bit more for ours. 

Why? Because our cumin is incredibly fresh and aromatic. My partner Divakar sources the best in small lots, we bring it in direct, and sell it quickly.

But be warned. When you open a tube, you might be susceptible to having some of the following immediate reactions:

You might immediately notice fragrant notes of lemon and mint.

You might immediately want to cook an Indian, Mexican or Middle Eastern dish.

You might immediately want to learn more about cumin. So you might look up "cumin" on Wikipedia and see that cumin is the dried seed of a plant from the parsley family. That might remind you of the late, great Elvis Parsley. I mean Presley. 

You might immediately yell aloud: "Cumin get it!"


  • Cumin Seed, Ground
  • Non-GMO, Non-ETO, Non-Irradiated. No funny business.
  • Our spices are used by top chefs around the country. You get the same lots.
  • Fragrant notes of lemon and mint
  • Use in Mexican, Indian and Middle Eastern recipes
  • Grown in Unjha, India
  • Spice sealed in food-grade mylar bag
  • Packaged in resealable kraft tube
  • Product is prepared and packaged using machines that may come in contact with wheat and or gluten, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk and soy.

We normally ship within 1-2 business days after receiving your order. We may need an extra day during the holiday season.

Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are not business days for us. We need some rest too. ;-D

We put together a Shipping FAQs page if you’d like more details on what to expect.

While Overnight is guaranteed, FedEx is no longer guaranteeing 2 Day service, though they should arrive more quickly than other options. Remember, Overnight and 2 Day items require one business day processing time, but we will ship these out first each day.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Would hate for you to be unhappy. The world has enough unhappiness. We're here to make you happy. Okedoke?

Shipping chart

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Elizabeth Galbraith
Wonderful ground cumin

The best cumin ever to kick up my bean-centric dishes. Exceptional depth of flavor yet does not overpower other spices along for the ride. Very fresh, and the "grind" is fabulous -- not too fine, with a bit of texture for holding up to "blooming" in the frypan and to maximize flavor.

Trevor Brachmann
Cumin, black pepper & monteray

Everything is of the highest quality and delicious! The depth in the pepper is incredible.

sebastian brecht

I am a professional chef and the peppercorns and cumin are really great

Elsa Longhauser
Everything is wonderful

Lovely flavors and aromas, delightful packaging, charming repartee.

I’ve been cooking with sawdust!

Woah! So fragrant and nuanced are these seeds. Compared to these seeds, my old cheap cumin now smells and tastes like dust.
The seeds are also easy to toast and easy to grind in the smallest Milton Modern Mortar & Pestle. I love toasting/grinding them with coriander to make my dishes pop!
