Pepperazi, what an interesting few months this has been. Earlier in the year, my friend Divakar started telling me about his amazing organic peppercorns to which I said, "Meh." But after trying a sample, I soon said, "My!" Next thing I know, I was traipsing around the jungles of India learning about peppercorns(?!). The last few weeks haven't been quite as glamorous, as I (and my family) have been packing peppercorns, picking out shipping boxes, re-doing the website, learning new accounting and ordering systems(?!), blah, blah, blah. Finally, the day has come to rocket these little brown gems out into the world. The whole thing has culminated with the official launch of The Reluctant Pepper Company online shop on 12/12/12, a significance I'm not sure I quite understand just yet, featuring Divakar's No. 004 Organic Tellicherry Peppercorns in four different sizes. Can't wait to hear what you think of it.
Click here to order.