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I’ve had a lot of questions about when the pepper will be available. Sheesh, I was having so much fun in India, I almost forgot about that part of the business.
Now that I’m back home, I’ve switched my focus to getting Divakar’s No. 004 Organic Tellicherry in stock and ready to go. I’ve been working on packaging, the online store and lots of boring stuff. As far as the product, you’ll be happy to know that I have a large supply of Divakar’s No. 004 already in stock.
It was an exciting day when I received the first shipment from FedEx. I made Gayle, the FedEx lady, pose for a picture with me. I look a little reluctant, don't I?
I expect to be able to take orders by the end of the month. If you live in north suburban Chicago, you’ll be able to save on shipping by picking it up in person.
I will only be selling whole peppercorns, so you’ll want to be sure to get a grinder. (Although, in the not too distant future, I will be selling those as well.) Ground peppercorns are much like ground coffee. They lose their aroma within minutes of grinding. Therefore, I won't sell ground pepper.
I’m very excited for you to try Divakar’s special peppercorns. Won’t be long now.