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It's time to pack your virtual bags. Leaving soon. Here's the itinerary.
10PM - Depart Chicago to London Flight Duration 7 hrs. 5 minutes
11:05 am arrival in London on Sunday, October 28
Layover 4 hours
London (LHR) → Doha, Qatar (DOH)
Flight duration 6 hours 40 minutes
London, 3:05 pm departure → Doha, Qatar (DOH)
12:45 am arrival in Qatar on Monday, October 29
Layover 1 hour 20 minutes
Doha, Qatar (DOH) 2:05 am departure
Doha, Qatar → Kozhikode, India (CCJ)
Flight duration 4 hours 10 minutes
8:45 am arrival in Kozhikode, India on Monday morning (I will be 10.5 hrs ahead)
Meet Divakar at airport, then drive 2.5 hours north to Kannur, India, where he lives.
Noon - ??? Try to stay awake as long as possible to adjust to the new time zone.
I better go pack my physical bags now.